Related: Academics, Celebration, Students, Trinity, Women


Gratitude II

- This week and always we express gratitude for so many great students, faculty and staff at Trinity! This blog focuses on the achievements of Trinity scientists! Thank you!
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Don’t Know Much About History

- We should teach the truth about American history so that we do not repeat the terrible mistakes of our past. Any compromise on racism repeats the original mistake of the Founders who could have --- but did not --- abolish slavery.
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Harvard Joins the Club

- Harvard's first year class is a milestone in the university's nearly 400 year-old history. Trinity's been there for a while. More and more universities will be welcoming a majority of students of color in the years ahead.
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Legacy and Future: International Religious Women

- Trinity is one of the great legacies of the work of International Sisters in America.
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Voices of Trinity: Trinity Faculty Respond to Secretary DeVos

- Trinity faculty engage students in the robust ongoing dialogue of teaching and learning every day!
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Voices of Trinity: Graduates with Pride and Perseverance!

- Trinity celebrates our latest graduates receiving their degrees at the 2017 Winter Graduation. Congratulations to all!
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Voices of Trinity: Charlene Valdez ’17 at MIT

- Senior Charlene Valdez '17, Clare Boothe Luce Scholar, recounts her summer as an Amgen Scholar in labs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology!
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Trinity’s Changing Landscape

- Trinity's campus has evolved to meet the needs of each generation. We eagerly anticipate the opening of the Payden Center for classes in Fall 2016!
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Congratulations, Red Class of 2016!

- Many achievements for the Red Class of 2016! Congratulations!
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Happy New Year!

- Trinity has a big agenda in 2016!
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Patricia A. McGuire, President, Trinity, 125 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202.884.9050   Email: