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Trinity will continue to be CLOSED ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 26.

Message from President McGuire, Monday, January 25, 2016

Dear students and colleagues in the Trinity community,
MUCH as I had hoped we could get back to normal operations tomorrow (Tuesday, January 26), after hearing from faculty and students about neighborhood conditions, and after a survey of our local conditions at Trinity, it seems that we need one more day to get enough areas cleared of snow to be safe and operational completely.  So, Trinity is CLOSED on Tuesday, January 26, and this will give our hard-working Facilities team one more necessary day to find a place to stow all of those tons of snow that still are on the parking lots and roadways.  Please join me in thanking the crews who have been outside for days on end tackling this herculean project — they are truly intrepid!
Your safety is our top priority. The streets around Trinity are plowed for one lane each way but there are still mountains of snow along the streets, bus stops are sketchy, and turning lanes are precarious.  There’s no on-street parking which adds to our decision to remain closed since we also have many parking spaced on campus currently buried under snow piles.  The team will work tomorrow to try to move those piles to locations that pose fewer obstacles to safe driving.
We have every intention of being open on time on Wednesday, so do not get used to this!!  Meanwhile, thanks to Moodle, there’s no need to stay away from teaching and learning…. Let’s keep it going virtually at least!
Thanks to all for your patience and good humor in this trying time.  And many, many thanks to the staff in Facilities who do such hard work!
Gratefully, President Pat McGuire
When Trinity is closed, the campus is entirely closed except for the resident students.  No classes, all offices closed. The Library, Trinity Center, Main Hall, etc., are all closed. Food service, security and facilities team members will be on campus (thank you!) and resident students will have their meals and be safe and warm.
The Trinity Shuttle Bus will not operate.Dining Services:  Dining Services will be open and serving from Alumnae Hall. Seasons will be closed. Schedule:
Brunch 11:30-1:30/Dinner 5:00-6:30
Brunch 11:30-1:30/Dinner 5:00-6:30

Michigan Avenue, Snow Emergency Route:  Please note that Michigan Avenue is a snow emergency route and the city remains under a snow emergency. Do not park on Michigan Avenue – you will be towed by the city!

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