Related: Weather

Wed., Jan. 26: Trinity is Closed


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Wednesday, January 26

Trinity will be closed all day due to morning road conditions, and a forecast of a heavy snowstorm this afternoon and evening throughout the Washington area. There will be no classes and no activities.

Wednesday, January 26, is Trinity’s deadline to add or drop a Spring 2011 class for the CAS, Weekly, Alternate Weekly, Monthly, and Term 1 sessions.  Self Service is open today and you may continue to make schedule adjustments in Self Service today as usual. If you need assistance in person with Self Service or if you need to use a paper schedule adjustment form for some reason, Trinity will accept schedule adjustments in Self Service and in Enrollment Services (Main 154) through 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 27.

Alumnae Dining Hall is open regular hours for all meals. The Deli is closed.

The Trinity Center is open today from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm.

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