Outlook Anywhere for Windows

Prior to Outlook Anywhere setup, ensure you have Outlook 2007 or greater installed. Technology Services does not support Microsoft Office products on personally owned computers. This service is provided as-is for the convenience of faculty and staff.

  1. Click Start | Control Panel. If you have Windows 10 or greater, right-click on the start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Mail.
  3. If you don’t already have a profile, click on Add (optional), or click on Properties.
  4. Name your profile if adding a new (optional).
  5. Input your Trinity email address, and then click Next.
  6. Outlook will try to auto configure itself.
  7. If prompted for your username & password, input your full Trinity email address and password.
  8. When finished, you will see the following screen. Click Finish.