What’s going on?

Midterm exams are over, and the end of the semester is approaching fast. Right now, you may feel a little less motivated to do your work because you have lost the energy that you had from the beginning of the semester. You find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed, and you wonder how you will get to the end!  With some time management skills, self-motivation, and self-reward, you will make it to the end of the semester.

  1. Time management: After midterms, you may feel that you do not have as many tests, so you think that you have more free time. In reality, you need to use your time wisely by reviewing what you learned during the first half of the semester. By checking your foundation, you can better guarantee that you will be able to understand the new information that you are learning and will be learning for the remaining weeks. Be sure to use your time wisely in this regard and stay abreast on the new information that is coming your way.
  2. Self-motivation: Sometimes, you cannot look toward your friends and family to help you get through the semester, especially if you have friends and family members who have never gone to college and may not truly understand how much effort it takes to be successful in an academic environment. Thus, you must learn to motivate yourself. Take your work in stride. Take larger assignments and break them into smaller tasks so that they do not appear to be overwhelming. Tell yourself that you can do it! You have gotten this far, and you have the moxy (the courage, the confidence) to endure until the end!
  3. Self-reward: Once you have finished with an assignment, it is okay to reward yourself. Treat yourself to a movie or to your favorite snack. Maybe your self-reward is for you to binge watch your favorite TV show for an hour. Don’t feel guilty in your self-reward. You’ve earned it. However, be sure that you put a time limit on your self-reward. Remember, you still have more studying to do! 🙂


  • Prepare for the end of the semester by studying. If your final exam will be cumulative, you should review all class material that your class has reviewed up to that point. If it is not cumulative, be sure to know exactly which chapters you need to study.
  • Start preparing as early as possible to avoid cramming.
  • If you are a registered student with a documented disability and you plan to use your accommodations for finals, please complete the student appointment examination request ASAP.  Please check your syllabus to determine when your final exams will be.   If you have any questions, please email              Dr. McManus at
  • Use your time wisely. Now is not the time to be a social butterfly. Your friends and family will understand that all of your free time is designated toward doing well in your courses.
  • Pace yourself. Do not try to study each of your subjects in one day.
  • Stay rested. Do not overburden yourself by not resting. Resting and getting a good night’s sleep, especially before exams, will help you to focus better.
  • Eat: Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast before your exams. You don’t need a growling stomach to take your focus off the task at hand!
  • Once your exams are over, treat yourself to a snack or to a movie. You deserve it!