Related: Adirondack Chronicles

Adirondack Chronicles 2017.1: Back to Forever Wild!


Frog on lilypadHappy as a frog on a lilypad (photo above).  Well, yes, that’s how I feel to be back in the Adirondacks, at last!  Cool nights, bright days, the scent of balsam fir pervading the air everywhere.  This time of year up here in the north country, the “wild things” are abundant in the forest and on the lakes and streams,  The historic wisdom of New York State in keeping the century-old commitment to the “Forever Wild” state of the Adirondack forest preserve should be a lesson in wise environmental stewardship for our nation.

Adirondack bird Cedar Waxwing eating a berryCedar waxwings (photo above) flit among the trees and bushes searching for their favorite berries.  I love watching them balance the red berries on their beaks before swallowing them in one big bite!

I was especially pleased to see a monarch butterfly on some just-opening milkweed (photo below); I did not see any monarchs during the last two years and they are in decline worldwide because of the destruction of their breeding habitat — the milkweed along roads and fields that too often is cut down or destroyed chemically.

monarch butterfly on milkweedcaterpillar of a monarch butterflyEqually encouraging is the sight of a monarch butterfly caterpillar (above), a sign of hope for the next generation!

Nearby, a ladybug and some spidery friends (below) chomped their way around a milkweed bud.

ladybugOn a small pond nearby, the dragonflies mated or just hung out in the breeze…

dragonflies matingblue needle on grassMeanwhile, a turtle just wanted to get across the road (below)… in this season, the turtles are all over the place and drivers need to watch out for them on the back roads!

turtle crossing the roadOverhead, an eagle soars…

eagle in flightWhile back in the tree those cedar waxwings continue to gorge on the red berries…

cedar waxwing and berrycedar waxwing catches berryNext up: why the wild things need us now more than ever!!

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