Operating a SMART Cart


  1. Plug mobile cart into nearest electrical outlet.
  2. Turn on computer by pressing the power button in middle of the computer.

Picture of a HP 6005 desktop unit that illustrates where the power button is.


  1. Turn on projector using remote; wait for warm-up.
  2. Turn off projector when not in use! Push power twice to turn off.

Picture of an Epson projector remote. It illustrates where the power button is located.


SMART Board light indicator on the lower right hand corner should be green. If the light is red, restart the computer.

Picture of a Smart Board. It illustrates the location of the indicator light.

Volume Adjustment

  1. Adjust volume with remote aimed at projector.
  2. Adjust volume on computer using speaker icon on the lower right corner of the screen, next to time.

Playing a DVD

  1. Insert DVD into computer. Wait momentarily for auto-play prompt.
  2. Select either Windows Media Player or VLC Player.

Playing a VHS

  1. Insert VHS into the VHS player.
  2. On remote, press the Video input to toggle display.